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  • Writer's pictureHrishikesh lawate

The Power of AMLA: Unlocking the Benefits for Hair, Skin, and Health

amla, indian goosberry

Common name:

Hindi: Amla

English: Gooseberry

Sanskrit: Aamalki

Marathi: Amla

Tamil: Nelli

Kannada: Nellaka


Amla, also known as Emblica officinalis, is an Indian herb used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is considered a rasayan and is believed to rejuvenate the body's organ systems, provide strength and wellness, and boost the immune system. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that regular consumption of Amla can lead to a lifespan of 100 without any ailments. Amla is also a diuretic, aperient, laxative, and hair dye, and is traditionally used for scalp treatment. It is a prestigious herb mentioned in Charak Samhita as a rasayan.

Chemical constituents:

Dietary source of Vitamin C, minerals, and amino acids. In comparison to the apple, the edible fruit tissue has a threefold higher protein concentration and a 160fold higher ascorbic acid content. The fruit also has a significantly greater content of most nutrients and amino acids than apples. Glutamic acid, proline, aspartate, alanine, and lysine.

amla, indian goosberry

Medicinal use:

1.Healing property:

Amla, a plant known for its antioxidant properties, is used to protect cells from free radical damage, treat skin disorders, respiratory infections, premature aging, hemorrhage, diarrhea, dysentery, diabetes, and has anti-bacterial and astringent properties. It can also be used as a laxative for constipation.

2.Immunity booster:

Amla's reputation as an energy-promoting and disease-preventing tonic may be due to its immune system effect, as studies show significant increases in white blood cell counts in rodents.

amla, indian goosberry

3.Respiratory disorders:

Indian gooseberry is useful in the treatment of respiratory problems. It is particularly beneficial in TB of the lungs, asthma, and bronchitis.


is useful in diabetic management. A teaspoon of its juice coupled with a cup of bitter gourd juice, taken daily for two months, stimulates the pancreas and helps it to create insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics. Dietary restrictions must be rigorously adhered to while using this medication.It will also help to avoid diabetic eye complications.

5.Heart disorders:

Indian gooseberry is thought to be a good treatment for heart disease. It improves the activities of all organs and promotes health by removing the diverse or harmful and disease-causing components. It also regenerates energy.

6.Eye disorder:

The juice of Indian Gooseberry mixed with honey is beneficial for eye health. It aids in the treatment of conjunctivitis and glaucoma. It significantly lowers intraocular tension. For this condition, juice combined with honey can be taken twice daily.


Indian gooseberry is an excellent scurvy treatment due to its high vitamin C content. Dry herb powder combined with an equal amount of sugar can be taken in doses of 1 teaspoon, thrice daily with milk.

amla, indian goosberry


Indian gooseberry has revitalizing effects due to its valuable element for preventing aging and maintaining strength in old age. It improves body resistance, protects against infection, and strengthens the heart, hair, and various glands.

Daily use and home remedies:

1. Herbal Cough Remedy

Amla juice or powder can be used to clear throats, coughs, and chronic dry coughs. Drinking it three times a day with warm milk, ghee, or honey can help. Amla is also beneficial in treating tuberculosis, asthma, and bronchitis. Mixing it with honey can also help.

amla, indian goosberry

2. Natural Cure for Anemia

Amla, a fruit rich in Vitamin C, aids in iron absorption, making it beneficial for patients with Iron deficiency


3. Amla/is Anti-Ageing

Amla, rich in nutrients, has a revitalizing effect on the body, preserving stamina in aged individuals, strengthening the heart, hair, and various glands, and improving immunity against infection and diseases.

amla, indian goosberry

4.Amla promotes hair growth

Amla oil, made from dried amla fruits boiled in coconut oil, is an effective conditioner that prevents balding and graying of hair. To make an antigrease hair wash, mix half a cup of amla juice, half a cup of lime juice, and water.

5. Amla/ Nellikai Treats White Spots on the nails

Gooseberry is a potent source of Vitamin C, making it an effective remedy for vitamin deficit conditions, and adding Amla juice or powder can help overcome this issue.

6. Remedy for Menstrual Disorders

White discharge can be alleviated by using powdered and dried Amla Seeds mixed with honey, saunf, or squished banana, and consuming it.

7. A Pitta Pacifier

Boil gooseberries in coconut water, apply to scalp, and use ground mixture with amla oil to reduce summer heat and pacify pitta conditions.


amla, indian goosberry

Important note:

Amla is high in vitamin C, with fresh juice holding approximately 20 times more than orange juice. It is

more quickly assimilated than synthetic vitamin C in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Amla is used in Ayurvedic medicines and tonics to treat various ailments, including excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, steatorrhea, internal body heat, and menstrual disorders. It also has cooling properties, increasing sattva and being an excellent liver tonic. Amla has been studied for its antioxidant, ulcer prevention, diabetes, mental and memory effects, and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Side effects:

  • Consumption of Amla products may raise the risk of bleeding in certain persons who are allergic to it. 

  • For diabetics, Amla should be used with caution since it can significantly lower blood sugar levels.

  • Excessive use of Amla juice might cause skin dryness.

  • Avoid Amla if you are coughing or have worsened Kapha symptoms.

  • Amla is not indicated before or after surgery since it may raise the risk of bleeding.

Available medicines:

Amla, indian gooseberry

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